Tuesday, January 17, 2006

brown paper packages tied up with string these are a few of my favorite...

internet sites!

here they go in no specific order of procrastination:

you know you love it as it rolls off the tongue- lashon hora baby! ok, so it is assur, but I think Hashem has a clause somewhere in there which exempts celebs, right?
well to Gehenom or not, this is THE best site for fab pics of celebs looking rediculous! and it is updated daily with loads of pics and info!

a close second to dlisted, but a little west coast for my likings, check it for a good belly laugh!

oh my gosh, my ex boyfriends sister's ex fiance is marrying my hairdresser's daughter from Great Neck ( and I thought he was a fay) mazal tov! may you be zocheh to kiss my...
oh my gosh, gittie had gastric bypass, though pink is not her color, even if she can now fit down the aisle with the other bridesmaids.
wow, shmonah esrei l'chupah, was that supposed to be literal?

to be followed by:
for only the price of one date a month( that you weren't paying for to start with since you are a hermit), you can be set up by shadchans.who don't give a hoot, with balding, divorced, 57 year old butchers from Oregon. - who chas v'shalom don't watch TV, own a TV or go to movies ( because it is so easy to just entertain yourself with internet porn!)

funny upper west side humor
things not yet seen on their top ten, but will be there shortly:
top then ways to know that the baby is his
top ten ways to tell him about your STD without forgoing an invite for "cholent"
top ten excuses for walks of shame
top ten ways to hide his teffilin bag in your Fendi at The Prime Grill on your second date

ok, the guys are a little modern ( goyim!)but some are very nice eye candy
and you can search by degree, that means you can make mom happy with a nice "jewish" doctor


who needs mall of america? if you can dream of some obscure crap, chances are someone is dying to part with it. and it is my very secret source for designer stuff on the cheap

Going on a date and want to know shloymee's shady past? just google his little tuchus! ooh, he has a PHD and volunteered with habitat for humanity, and ok, so he's also a porn star in Madrid, I'll just let that one slide...


for comic relief after being rejected on sawyouatsinai.
( for the 104th time this week)

shoes glorious shoes, free shipping, free returns, and you can search!!!

cheap plastic trendy jewelry

you designer whore, get thee to a brothel, or a sample sale

all the best of what's going down in your hood, including the internet

has there ever been a site as well written? able to bring you to tears while simultaneously snorting your chocolate soy milk up your nose-- lindsay Ho-han and kate moss made this quite fashionable


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