Monday, December 05, 2005

over a bowl of corn soup

Tonight I woke up at about 6pm, brutal call yesterday. Not only was my senior being quite aloof, making me feel like an intern sloth, and rushing me through my admissions( for what purpose?there was nothing else to do!) but she let me sleep through 6 am, a whole 2 hours( except once when she woke me up to aks me a question about a transfusion which I never gave, but in my dream state I couldn't remember why, though the logic was apparent while awake!) and hence I was sleeping when the other residents came in for the morning, making me look further sloth-ish and making me behind in my rounding, so I didn't get out till noon--very illegal- if the joint comission on resident's work hours is reading this, please throw me a life saver. ( btw, sometimes run on sentences are written for emphasis!)

Anyway, back to the corn soup,
I met a male friend from college for dinner tonight. Nothing but friends, I swear. Though to his credit, he's so nice, and shy sometimes in that way that modest people should be. When he talks about asking a girl out, he blushes and stumbles on his words.. cute!

boy do I digress...

Amidst our conversation which was comparing who has had worse dates (see prior postings, I win!) he suddenly looks down and says, "there's something I wanted to run by you" ok, go for it, well, there's this girl I'm close with and well we've been friends for a while and I want to take it further-- he's blushing, looking at his corn soup, and having a hard time with words... meanwhile, in my head, "oh my gosh, oh no, it's true there are no platonic B/G friendships, I knew it, he wanted to go for dinner so he could ask me out, shoot, what do I say? am I turning red? does he see me squirm in my chair? how do I get out of here?!!!!!

and then, as if G-d heard me, "yeah, her name is Ilana" ( not SG!)

hallelukah hallelukah hallelukah!!!

Deep breath, smile, and I offer him some sound advice.

He walked me home and said thank you for the nice time.

friendship is a good thing.


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