Sunday, August 06, 2006

dear pretty woman walking down the street...

Dear Ms. Julia Roberts,

I know things have gone a little downhill since the 80's, as you no longer get to play hookers in big screen movies and your stint on Broadway this year was a bissel of a flop, but hey I tried out for RENT in 2000 ( really) and I got a "don't quit your day job", so you must have some redeeming qualities! Then why is it that you would stoop so low as to sneak into my basement, into the laundry room and swipe one of my favorite skirts! You then had the chutzpah to wear it to the supermarket!!! mah pitom!! I mean, honestly do you think we are even the same size ? I actually EAT the food in my cart, maybe you use your for decoration/ fertilizer? ( PS, anytime you need to raid my fridge, feel free, I feel the need to feed you) Anyway, back to MY skirt!!!! It was my favorite (ok, one of about 20 favorites ....I know, I can't help myself, anyone know a 12 step program for skirt addictions?) It had little elephants on it, it was a wrap skirt so it fit me even after a smorgasbord or two, and I bought it at a street fair in MA!
so here is my plea, Julia, return the skirt and no one gets hurt, or Richard Gere and that box of cereal in your cart is mine!
P.S. good taste in clothes!!!! but, wanna borrow some sleeves?

Once again, Yids (ok, or just SG) have influenced the world of fashion and it will never be the same.Beware of the snoods....



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