Friday, July 21, 2006


Baruch Hashem, there are miracles in our midst!!!!

Today I was coming home post call and stopped in the kosher grocer to pick up something to eat for shabbos. when I left the store with my chumus and kugel, the gates of heaven had opened up so strongly that Noah's ark could have floated past, no one would have even blinked and eye! Visibility, less than zero, my driving skills, even on a good day- uhm, no comment. I was nervous about the weather conditions and imagined for some reason that at any moment a tree could fall!
I ran to my car, (shout out to my car, her name is Shaynah Punim, she is a good friend!) quickly got in and suddenly a pang of hunger came over me. I grabbed some of the soy chips I had just purchased and ended up eating the whole mini bag. Wow, I thought I must have been really hungry after 12 hours without food or water ( prison, aka a shift in the ER). About to attempt driving through the deluge, suddenly I get another pang of hunger, before I could take my foot off the break I reached in to the next bag of soy chips, took just one and started to proceed down the narrow street, like a crash of thunder, a roaring thud, a tree, at least 100 years old in size, breaks and falls across the road, a mere 20 feet from my car.

were it not for the strange pang of hunger for one more chip, I would have been under that tree chas v'shalom!

Baruch Hashem, to you, I owe my every last breath, as I know they are each just moments of borrowed heaven.

shabbat shalom readers, there is a greater plan.



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