Monday, February 13, 2006

gimee some shugah, I am yoh neighbah

Alas valentines day is upon us,
the holiday where we celebrate the availability of chocolate in fashionable pink wrappers, a day in which it is perfectly acceptable to walk into CVS and grab a bunch of this gelt as "presents" and sit at home alone crunching up those cute wrappers into perfect pellets to throw at imaginary ex boyfriends. Not that I know from such things..
As luck would have it, I have never EVER been in a relationship with someone ON valentines day- to merit from a day of selfless showering of love and devotion and red velvet roses, and hideously tacky teddy bears, and of course lots of vitamin C ( chocolate)

P.s.- thanks mom for the valentines day card in 5th grade, slipped into my backpack-- the one in the red envelope that read "from your secret admirer "which lead me to believe, yes, there is hope for this nine year old, five foot two, braces flashing math club member!

Btw, did you have to crush the hope by admitting to me at my college graduation that YOU wrote it?
--I was secretly hoping that one day the admirer would show up, all grown up and pull a "Travis" ( see "Goy( boy) toy" below)...

anyway, no more pity,

this is why it is up to YOU, oh devoted readers of my blog!

Show the love!

sign my comments section below,
tell me a valentines day story, give a "shout out", or even just a sign that yes someone is actually reading my blog! You secret admirers,break out those red envelopes, it's time to pull my braids! send those spitballs flying and make my valentines day!!!

p.s. even you readers from Taiwan, Israel, Grenada, and the UAE can show the love!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you "SG", you are the sunshine of my life, you bring me such nachas because you are such a good doctor!

But when are you going to get married already, nu???

and valentines day is a goyish holiday, we shouldn't know from such things.



9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SG, your blog is awesome. Those of us with truth even unto our innermost parts, even those of us living as far away as the frozen land of Michigan, love you, your sense of humor, and your take on life.

Happy Valentine's Day to you (do you really, actually celebrate this Hallmark holiday?), and much love and misses.


4:44 PM  

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